Up-to-date, rule-by-rule clarification of the requirements in the 2023 NESC®Designed to be used alongside the code itself, McGraw Hill’s National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®) 2023 Handbook has been fully updated to reflect the changes in the 2023 NESC. You will gain access to straightforwa…
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time?Fortunately, there’s Schaum’s. More than 40 million s…
Modeling, analysis, and simulation—everything vibration engineering students need to succeed, including late-breaking advances in this ever-changing fieldAdvanced Mechanical Vibration covers modeling and analysis of vibrating systems with damping and gyroscopic effects, dynamics of combined distr…
In a world of rapid-fire change, it's more important than ever to build teams that work well when the pressure is on—and quality communication can mean the difference between success and failure.
Conversational Capacity provides the commu…
How to Avoid Legal Pitfalls on Social MediaSocial media is where your customers are--so it's where your business has to be. Unfortunately, this space is packed with land mines that can obliterate your hard-earnedsuccess in the time it takes to click a mouse. Written in easy-to-understand, accessible…
Seize the advantage in every risk decision with the most misunderstood asset you have—human emotionWhat if the mystery of market crashes stems from a simple but total misunderstanding of our own minds? Could everything we think we know about ourselves—intelligence and rationality versus emotion …
Everything on Treasuries, munis,bond funds, and more!The bond buyer’s answer book—updated for the new economy“As in the first two editions, this third edition of The Bond Book continues to be the idealreference for the individual investor. It has all the necessary details, well explained andil…
The safe, profitable alternative to a losing betWhile many of us were learning the hard way that a buy-and-hope strategy is bound to fail, Don Schreiber, Jr., and Gary E. Stroik were busy updating All About Dividend Investing--the proven answer to a highly flawed, totally outdated, but all-too-commo…
Confused by bookkeeping and accounting? Problem solved.Schaum's Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting is the ideal review and reference for your accounting class. Inside you'll find explanations of the subject's fundamentals and topics such as financial analysis, preparing cash flow statements, and …