Make yourself layoff-proof in a tough business environmentIt may seem like no job is secure during these difficult economic times, but you can learn the innovative strategies needed to protect your job now. Super Staying Power brings you the edge you need to stand out and shine at work—and become …
"TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF . . ."Decode the hidden meaning behind interview questions and prepare the perfect answer to land the jobDuring a job interview, there are no right or wrong answers, just better and worse answers. When you rethink the process in those terms, you'll gain a huge advantageover t…
WHAT'S THE BEST WAY TO SUCCEED AT WORK?MAKE SURE YOUR BOSS SUCCEEDS FIRST.Today's typical workplace may be less formal and more inclusive than those of the past, but one thing hasn't changed: The boss is the boss.A veteran of the U.S. Army, William Smullen spent 50 years leading--and being led by--s…
MASTER A NEW WAY OF COMMUNICATING TO BUILD INFLUENCE AND ACHIEVE UNPARALLELED SUCCESSSpeak Up, Show Up, and Stand Out provides the rules for exemplary business communication. This lean and effective guide isn’t just about choosing the right words; it's a whole new way of communicating to achieve u…
Stay relevant, stay connected, STAY AHEAD OF THE GAME.When it comes to getting ahead today, your talent and experience matter. The problem is, someone else going for the promotion or business opportunity has a résumé that’s as good as, if not better than, yours.If you want to get ahead, you have…
Isn't it time you got the job you deserve? Your workplace transformation is about to begin!FACT: When opportunity knocks in the workplace, most people don't know how to seize it.This book will show you exactly how to spot--and master--your next great job opportunity.Are you ready to become the OBVIO…
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Find out from an industry veteran exactly what you need to do to become a game designer, tester, artist, pro…
LEAD LIKE A WOMAN “Rich with proven, practical knowledge and insights from highly successful women that you can put into action immediately to create your executive presence, be viewed as ‘leadership material,’ and maximize your opportunities.” —Nina McLemore, Founder and CEO, Nina McLemor…