Build Your Own Transistor Radios

1st Edition
0071799702 · 9780071799706
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.A DIY guide to designing and building transistor radiosCre… Read More
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Ch 1. Overview of Various Radio Circuits
Ch 2. Calibration Tools and Generators for Testing
Ch 3. Parts and Improvised/Hacked Parts for building the radios
Ch 4. Building Simple Test Oscillators and Modulators
Ch 5. A Low Power TRF radio
Ch 6. Reflex radios
Ch 7. Low Power Regenerative Radios
Ch 8. Superhet Radios
Ch 9. A Low Power Superhet Radio
Ch 10. Exotic Superhet Radios
Ch 11. Inductorless Radios
Ch 12. Software Defined Radio Circuits
Ch 13. Oscillator Circuits
Ch 14. Mixer Circuits and Harmonic Mixers
Ch 15. Sampling Theory and Sampling Mixers
Ch 16. IQ signals
Ch 17. IF Circuits
Ch 18. Detector/AVC circuits
Ch 19. Amplifier Circuits
Ch 20. Resonant Circuits and Band Pass Filters
Ch 21. Image Rejection
Ch 22. Noise
Ch 23. Learning by doing

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

A DIY guide to designing and building transistor radios

Create sophisticated transistor radios that are inexpensive yet highly efficient. Build Your Own Transistor Radios: A Hobbyist’s Guide to High-Performance and Low-Powered Radio Circuits offers complete projects with detailed schematics and insights on how the radios were designed. Learn how to choose components, construct the different types of radios, and troubleshoot your work. Digging deeper, this practical resource shows you how to engineer innovative devices by experimenting with and radically improving existing designs.

Build Your Own Transistor Radios covers:

  • Calibration tools and test generators
  • TRF, regenerative, and reflex radios
  • Basic and advanced superheterodyne radios
  • Coil-less and software-defined radios
  • Transistor and differential-pair oscillators
  • Filter and amplifier design techniques
  • Sampling theory and sampling mixers
  • In-phase, quadrature, and AM broadcast signals
  • Resonant, detector, and AVC circuits
  • Image rejection and noise analysis methods

“This is the perfect guide for electronics hobbyists and students who want to delve deeper into the topic of radio. Overall, this extremely well written and comprehensively illustrated guide and reference deserves a place on the inquisitive radio amateur's bookshelf.” QST

“I would definitely recommend this book to novices and all hobbyists and engineers who have not have much practical exposure to radio design and development.” — EDN

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TAB, an imprint of McGraw-Hill Professional, is a leading publisher of DIY technology books for makers, hackers, and electronics hobbyists.

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ISBN10: 0071799710 | ISBN13: 9780071799713

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ISBN10: 0071799702 | ISBN13: 9780071799706
