Basics of CMOS Cell Design

1st Edition
0071488391 · 9780071488396
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Design and Simulate Any Type of CMOS Circuit!Electronic ci… Read More
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Abbreviations and Symbols

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: The MOS Devices and Technology

Chapter 3: The MOS Modelling

Chapter 4: The Inverter

Chapter 5: Interconnects

Chapter 6: Basic Gates

Chapter 7: Arithmetics

Chapter 8: Sequential Cell Design

Chapter 9: Analog Cells

Appendix A: Design Rules

Appendix B: Microwind Program Operation and Commands

Appendix C: Dsch Logic Editor Operation and Commands

Appendix D: Quick Reference Sheet



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Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Design and Simulate Any Type of CMOS Circuit!

Electronic circuit designers and electronic engineering students can turn to Basics of CMOS Cell Design for a practice-based introduction to the design and simulation of every major type of CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) integrated circuit.

You will find step-by-step explanations of everything they need for designing and simulating CMOS integrated circuits in deep-submicron technology, including MOS devices…inverters…interconnects…basic gates …arithmetics…sequential cell design…and analog basic cells.

The book also presents design rules, Microwind program operation and commands, design logic editor operation and commands, and quick-reference sheets. Filled with 100 skills-building illustrations, Basics of CMOS Cell Design features:

  • Expert guidance on MOS device modeling
  • Complete details on micron and deep-submicron technologies
  • Clear, concise information on basic logic gates
  • Full coverage of analog cells
  • A wealth of circuit simulation tools

Inside This Landmark CMOS Circuit Design Guide—

• MOS Devices and Technology • MOS Modeling • The Inverter • Interconnects • Basic Gates • Arithmetics • Sequential Cell Design • Analog Cells • Appendices: Design Rules; Microwind Program Operation and Commands; Design Logic Editor Operation and Commands; Quick- Reference Sheets

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ISBN10: 0071509062 | ISBN13: 9780071509060

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ISBN10: 0071488391 | ISBN13: 9780071488396
