aPHR Associate Professional in Human Resources Certification Practice Exams, Second Edition

2nd Edition
1264286295 · 9781264286294
Pass the 2022 aPHR exam with ease using this self-study resource that features 600 in-depth practice questions along with detailed answer explanationsPrepare for the 2022 version of the aPHR exam and become a certified Human Resources professional. T… Read More
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Pass the 2022 aPHR exam with ease using this self-study resource that features 600 in-depth practice questions along with detailed answer explanations

Prepare for the 2022 version of the aPHR exam and become a certified Human Resources professional. This effective self-study resource contains 600 practice questions that simulate those on the live exam in content, style, tone, format, and difficulty.

aPHR Associate Professional in Human Resources Certification Practice Exams, Second Edition begins with a pre-assessment test to pinpoint areas for study and contains enough questions to generate five unique full-length practice exams. You will get in-depth answer explanations for both the correct and incorrect answer choices. All of the questions from the book are also included in the Total Tester Premium test engine, allowing you to customize your practice exams by domain, chapter, and time allowed.

  • Practice questions encompass every topic on the 2022 release of the aPHR exam
  • Written by a team of HR leaders and experienced authors
  • Online content includes all 600 practice questions in the customizable Total Tester Premium exam engine

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ISBN10: 1264286309 | ISBN13: 9781264286300

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ISBN10: 1264286295 | ISBN13: 9781264286294
