Aircraft Materials and Analysis

1st Edition
0071831134 · 9780071831130
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Complete coverage of aircraft design, manufacturing, and m… Read More
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Chapter 1. Aircraft Design
Military Standard—(Mil-Std-1530C) Aircraft Structural Integrity Program
Military Standard—(Mil-Std-882E) Standard Practice for System Safety
Military Standard—(Mil-Std-8861B) Airplane Strength and Rigidity Flight Loads
Military Standard—(MIL-A-8870C) Airplane Strength and Rigidity, Vibration, Flutter, and Divergence
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Chapter 2. Aircraft Material
Properties of Materials
Materials Used in Aircraft Construction
Nonmetallic Aircraft Materials
Materials of Aircraft Hardware
Materials—Aircraft Lubricants
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Chapter 3. Loads on the Aircraft
Aircraft Loads
Flight Loads
Moment, Moment Arm, and Torque
The Vector and Vector Components
Lift Pressure and Wing Loading
Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces
Landing Loads
Ground Loads
Fuel Tank Loads during Emergency Landing
Maneuvering Loads
Aerodynamic Heating
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Chapter 4. Stress Analysis
Strain and Stress-Strain Relations
Stress Transformation
Stress Concentration
Fatigue-Stress Concentration
Behavior of Materials under Stress
Factors Affecting Elastic Properties
Modulus of Elasticity
Elasticity; Proportionality of Stress and Strain
Summary Definitions
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Chapter 5. Torsion, Compression, and Bending Loads
Shaft Failures
Shear Flow in Torsion
Compressive Strength and Failures
Calculation of Stress
Elastic Stability—General Condition
Curved Beams
Nonuniform Loading of Circular Plates
Flat-Plate Ultimate Strength
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Chapter 6. Aircraft Structure Riveted Joints and Pressure Vessels
Riveted Joints
Examples of Lap Joints
Modes of Failure in Riveted Joints
Design and Limitations
Eccentric Loading of Riveted Joints
Stress Analysis of Riveted Joints
Riveted Joints—Common Terms
Pressure Vessels and Pressure Lines
Pressure Vessels
Aircraft Pressure Lines
Difference between Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems
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Chapter 7. Heat Treatment of Aircraft Metals
Metalworking Processes
Ferrous Metals
Heat Treatment Process
Time, Temperature, and Transformation
Continuous Cooling Transformation
Difference between TTT and CCT
Nonferrous Metals
Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys
Wrought Aluminum
Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys
Titanium and Titanium Alloys
Copper and Copper Alloys
Monel and K-Monel Alloys
Substitution of Aircraft Metals
Cold-Working and Hardening
Quenching Media
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Chapter 8. Aircraft Fatigue and Aircraft Material Fatigue
Fatigue in Material
Fatigue Testing (S-N Curve)
Fatigue and Crack Growth
Military Standard—(Mil-A-83444) Airplane Damage Tolerance Requirements
Stress-Corrosion Cracking
Control of Stress-Corrosion Cracking
Limit of Validity (LOV)
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Chapter 9. Aircraft Corrosion
Why Metals Corrode
Types of Corrosion
Forms of Corrosion
Stress Corrosion
Hydrogen Embrittlement
Corrosion of Metals
Corrosion of Ferrous Metals
Factors Affecting Corrosion
Corrosion-Prone Areas in Aircraft
Factors in Corrosion Control
Corrosion Inspection and Detection
Preventive Maintenance of Corrosion
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Chapter 10. Dynamic Stress, Temperature Stress, and Experimental Methods
General Conditions
Remarks on Stress due to Impact
Temperature Stresses
Experimental Methods
Stress Pattern Analysis by Thermal Emission
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Chapter 11. Composites
Applications of Composites on Aircraft
Fiber-Reinforced Materials
Laminar or Laminated Composites
Particulate-Reinforced Composites
Mechanics of Composite Material
Stress and Strain in a Laminate
Composite Fatigue and Damage Tolerance
Aircraft Accident–Crashworthiness
Composite Material
Composite Manufacturing and In-Service Defects and Damages
Composite Maintenance and Inspection
Composite Safety
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Chapter 12. Nondestructive Testing and Nondestructive Inspection
Visual Inspection
Borescope Inspection
Liquid Penetrant (Dye Penetrant) Inspection
Magnetic Particle Inspection
Radiographic Inspection (X-Rays and Gamma Rays)
Ultrasonic Inspection
Eddy Current Inspection
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Chapter 13. Aviation Maintenance Management
Aviation Maintenance
Typical Airline Definition of Maintenance
Goals of a Maintenance Program
Functional and Potential Failure
Documentation for Maintenance
Requirements for a Maintenance Program
Material Support—Stores and Logistics
Material Department—Budgeting Efforts
Oversight Functions
Quality Assurance
Quality Control
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Chapter 14. Case Studies and Human Factors
Case Study 14-1 TWA Flight
Case Study 14-2 Atlantic Southeast Airlines Flight
Case Study 14-3 United Airlines Flight
Case Study 14-4 American Airlines Flight
Case Study 14-5 USAir Flight
Human Factors
Human Factors in Aircraft Maintenance
Maintenance Error Decision Aid
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Answers to Chapter Questions
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Complete coverage of aircraft design, manufacturing, and maintenance

Aircraft Materials and Analysis addresses aircraft design, mechanical and structural factors in aviation, flight loads, structural integrity, stresses, properties of materials, compression, bending, and aircraft fatigue. Detailed analysis of the failure processis provided.

This authoritative guide examines materials used in aircraft construction such as aluminum, steel, glass, composite, rubber, and carbon fiber. Maintenanceprocedures for corrosion and aging aircraft are discussed and methods of inspection such as nondestructive testingand nondestructive inspection are described. Accident investigation case studies review aircraft design, materialbehavior, NTSB findings, safety, stress factors, and human factor involvement. End-of-chapter questions reinforce thetopics covered in this practical resource.

Aircraft Materials and Analysis covers:

  • The aircraft--standards for design, structural integrity, and system safety
  • Aircraft materials
  • Loads on the aircraft
  • Stress analysis
  • Torsion, compression, and bending loads
  • Aircraft riveted joints and pressure vessels
  • Heat treatments of metals
  • Aircraft fatigue/aircraft material fatigue
  • Aircraft corrosion
  • Dynamic stress, temperature stress, and experimental methods
  • Composites
  • Nondestructive Testing (NDT)
  • Aviation maintenance management
  • Case studies and human factors

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ISBN10: 0071831142 | ISBN13: 9780071831147

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ISBN10: 0071831134 | ISBN13: 9780071831130
