Aircraft Basic Science, Eighth Edition

8th Edition
0071799176 · 9780071799171
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality,  authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Learn the latest technologies needed to pass the FAA airfra… Read More
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Fundamentals of Mathematics

Science Fundamentals

Basic Aerodynamics

Airfoils and their Applications

Aircraft in Flight

Aircraft Drawings

Weight and Balance

Aircraft Materials

Metal Fabrication Techniques and Processes

Standard Aircraft Hardware

Hand Tools and their Applications

Aircraft Fluid Lines and Fittings

Federal Aviation Regulations

Technical Publications

Ground Handling and Safety

Aircraft Inspection and Servicing


Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality,  authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
Learn the latest technologies needed to pass the FAA airframe and powerplant maintenance certification!

Aircraft Basic Science, Eighth Edition, is a valuable resource for students of aviation technology that provides updated information needed to prepare for an FAA airframe and powerplant maintenance certification. This expanded edition includes recent advances in technology, such as the use of composite aircraft materials, with revised examples and figures to more accurately reflect the state of the industry.

For easy reference, chapters are illustrated and present specific aspects of aircraft materials, fabrication processes, maintenance tools, and federal aviation regulations.

This updated edition includes:

  • The use, inspection, and fabrication of composite structures, including honeycomb, fiberglass, and carbon fiber materials
  • 4-page full-color insert
  • Hypersonic flight aerodynamics as they apply to high-speed aircraft and space reentry vehicles
  • Tilt rotor aircraft aerodynamics and design
  • New alloys and processes used in aircraft such as powered aluminum and friction stir welding
  • Relevant ICAO/EASA (European and international) rules and regulations including maintenance and repair organizations (MROs), the NASA safety reporting system, ATAsystems, the electronic document retrieval system, and recordkeeping systems
  • Ground handling and safety for large, airline-style aircraft
  • New alternative fuels under development including bio and other synthetic fuels
  • FAA Airframe and Powerplant certification requirements needed to perform and approve aircraft maintenance

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ISBN10: 0071799184 | ISBN13: 9780071799188

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ISBN10: 0071799176 | ISBN13: 9780071799171
