Advanced Persistent Threat Hacking

1st Edition
0071828362 · 9780071828369
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Master the tactics and tools of the advanced persistent th… Read More
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Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Empirical Data
Chapter 3: APT Hacker Methodology
Chapter 4: An APT Approach to Reconnaissance
Chapter 5: Reconnaissance – Non Technical Data
Chapter 6: Spear Social Engineering
Chapter 7: Phase III - Remote Targeting
Chapter 8: External/Internal Advanced Persistent Threats
Chapter 9: Physical Infiltration
Chapter 10: APT Software Backdoors

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Master the tactics and tools of the advanced persistent threat hacker

In this book, IT security expert Tyler Wrightson reveals the mindset, skills, and effective attack vectors needed to compromise any target of choice. Advanced Persistent Threat Hacking discusses the strategic issues that make all organizations vulnerable and provides noteworthy empirical evidence. You'll learn a proven APT Hacker Methodology for systematically targeting and infiltrating an organization and its IT systems. A unique, five-phased tactical approach to APT hacking is presented with real-world examples and hands-on techniques you can use immediately to execute very effective attacks.

  • Review empirical data from actual attacks conducted byunsophisticated and elite APT hackers alike
  • Learn the APT Hacker Methodology--a systematic approach designed to ensure success, avoid failures, and minimize the risk of being caught
  • Perform in-depth reconnaissance to build a comprehensive understanding of the target
  • Obtain non-technical data about the target, including open source, human, financial, and geographical intelligence
  • Use social engineering to compromise a specific system, application, or workstation
  • Identify and attack wireless networks and wireless client devices
  • Spearphish with hardware-based Trojan devices
  • Physically infiltrate target facilities to obtain access to assets and compromise digital lily pads

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ISBN10: 0071828370 | ISBN13: 9780071828376

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ISBN10: 0071828362 | ISBN13: 9780071828369
