Ace The Technical Pilot Interview 2/E

2nd Edition
0071793860 · 9780071793865
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Get your career off the ground with this updated guide to … Read More
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Chapter 1: Aerodynamics

Chapter 2: Engines

Chapter 3: Jet & Propeller Aircraft Differences

Chapter 4: Navigation

Chapter 5: Atmosphere and Speed

Chapter 6: Aircraft Instruments and Systems

Chapter 7: Performance and Flight Planning

Chapter 8: Meteorology and Weather Recognition

Chapter 9: Flight Operations and Technique

Chapter 10: Human Performance

Chapter 11: Type-Specific Questions

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
Get your career off the ground with this updated guide to acing the technical pilot interview!

Written by an experienced airline pilot, Ace the Technical Pilot Interview, Second Edition is filled with more than 1000 questions and answers, many of them all-new. This practical study tool asks the right questions so you'll know the right answers. It's a must-have, one-stop resource for all pilots, regardless of aircraft type, performance, or global region.

Ace the Technical Pilot Interview, Second Edition helps you:

  • Review the material most likely to be asked on your interview
  • Practice with 1000+ exam-style questions--complete with answers
  • Learn about the latest technologies, including CPDLC (Controller Pilot Data Link Communications) and ADS (Automatic Dependent Surveillance)
  • Focus your study on what you need to know

Aerodynamics * Engines * Jet and propeller aircraft differences * Navigation * Atmosphere and speed * Aircraft instruments and systems * Performance and flight planning * Meteorology and weather recognition * Flight operations and technique * Human performance * Type-specific questions

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ISBN10: 0071793879 | ISBN13: 9780071793872

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ISBN10: 0071793860 | ISBN13: 9780071793865
