ACE the IT Resume

2nd Edition
0071492747 · 9780071492744
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality,  authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Create a first-rate resume that will get you hired in IT … Read More
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Part I: Creating a Winning IT Resume

Chapter 1: Standing Out from the Crowd

Chapter 2: The Anatormy of a Technical Resume

Chapter 3: The Online Resume World

Chapter 4: Uncovering Your Hidden Talents

Chapter 5: The Cover Letter

Chapter 6: Common Resume Dilemmas

Chapter 7: Creative Ways to Get Hands-On Experience

Chapter 8: How to Network When You Don't Know Anyone

Chapter 9: Resume Faux-Pas: Why You Are Not Getting Any Phone Calls

Chapter 10: The Interview

Part 2: Resume Encyclopedia

Chapter 11: Resume Encyclopedia


Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality,  authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Create a first-rate resume that will get you hired in IT 

Stand out in a crowd of IT job applicants by creating and submitting a winning resume and cover letter with help from this practical guide. Fully revised and updated for the latest trends, technologies, and in-demand jobs, Ace the IT Resume, Second Edition reveals how to best showcase your IT skills and experience. You'll get tips for adapting your resume for different formats, using the right keywords, and getting your resume in the hands of the hiring manager. With an encyclopedia of sample resumes, job descriptions, and resume strategies, this is your must-have guide to landing a great IT job.

  • Present your skills, experience, and education in the most effective format
  • Optimize your online resume
  • Customize your resume based on the job you're seeking
  • Write compelling and relevant cover letters
  • Avoid common pitfalls and analyze your resume for errors
  • Discover ways to quickly get hands-on experience
  • Network with IT professionals to make connections

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ISBN10: 0071595023 | ISBN13: 9780071595025

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ISBN10: 0071492747 | ISBN13: 9780071492744
