A Builder's Guide to Wells and Septic Systems, Second Edition

2nd Edition
0071625976 · 9780071625975
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.A fully updated professional reference to wells and septic… Read More
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Introduction; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1: Water Wells Can Cost You Plenty; Chapter 2: Septic Systems Can Sink You!;Chapter 3: Evaluating Sites for Well Locations; Chapter 4: Evaluating Sites for Septic Locations; Chapter 5: Taking Bids for the Work; Chapter 6: Soil Studies; Chapter 7: Septic Designs;Chapter 8: Code-Related Issues; Chapter 9: Drilled Wells;Chapter 10: Dug Wells; Chapter 11: Alternative Water Sources; Chapter 12: Gravel-and-Pipe Septic Systems; Chapter 13: Chamber-Type Septic Systems and Other Special-Use Systems; Chapter 14: Pump Stations; Chapter 15: Gravity Systems; Chapter 16: Controlling Construction Costs; Chapter 17: Common Problems with Well Installations;Chapter 18. Septic Troubles; Chapter 19. Know Your Limitations;Chapter 20. Landscaping Septic Systems;Appendix A. Definitions;Appendix B. Additional Resources;Appendix C. Facts, Figures, and Measurements;Index

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

A fully updated professional reference to wells and septic systems

Don't let septic systems sink your budget! This essential guide is filled with expert advice on selecting and installing high-performance, cost-efficient wells and septic systems that will boost your bottom line.

A Builder's Guide to Wells and Septic Systems, Second Edition, is completely up to date with the latest International Code Council International Private Sewage Disposal Code information. This handy resource covers new procedures and products, including green construction materials. Get coverage of virtually every aspect of wells and septic systems, such as how to:

  • Evaluate property for wells and septic systems
  • Protect your company's interests during bidding
  • Assess soil studies and septic designs
  • Choose the best well and septic system for each property
  • Work with gravel-and-pipe, chamber-type, and gravity septic systems
  • Troubleshoot and solve well and septic system problems
  • Landscape septic system areas

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ISBN10: 0071625984 | ISBN13: 9780071625982

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ISBN10: 0071625976 | ISBN13: 9780071625975
